AMA Recap: The Wasted Land x



Dec 19, 202114 min read

AMA Recap: The Wasted Land x

Greetings Everyone!

On Dec 14, we successfully organized an AMA event with The Wasted Lands, A Puzzle-RPG-Strategy game — NFT play to earn game, on GameFi’s Telegram Channel. We’d like to give a massive thanks to all of our audiences who joined us, as well as our special guest, Ms. Ying Wu — Partnership Manager and Mr. Luan Ngo — Co-founder of The Wasted Lands, who shared a very thoughtful knowledge of the project. This is a recap of the entire session, in case you missed it!

The team provided information about the project’s features, special insight into the game vision, upcoming plans, etc.

The AMA included 3 segments:

- Segment 1: Introduction

- Segment 2: Twitter Questions

- Segment 3: Live Community Questions

$300 will be given away as rewards for the best questions! 🙌

We are looking forward for your participation 🙌

Segment 1: Introduction

Host: Hello GameFi Community! We have an AMA with The Wasted Lands. Two guests from their team have joined to introduce their project to our community 🤩🤩. Welcome to the GameFi Community Mr. Luan Ngo and Ms. Ying Wu.

Ms. Ying Wu: Hi everyone! I’m Ying as a Partnership Manager of The Wasted Lands. Great to be here today!!

Mr. Luan Ngo: Hi guys, thanks for having us here today!

Host: We are excited to learn more about your project today 🤩🤩🤩

Mr. Luan Ngo: My name is Luan, I’m the co-founder of The Wasted Lands and I’m in charge of the game production. Happy to tell you more about the game! And I can’t wait to tell you about it 😄

Host: Shall we start now?

Ms.Ying Wu: Sure. I’m so thrilled. Let’s get started!!

Host: Can you introduce yourself to the community as well as your core team? How did you start your journey with The Wasted Land?

Ms. Ying Wu: My name is Ying. I’ve been working as a Partnership Manager of The Wasted Lands. I used to work as a marketer/KOL affiliate for game studios before joining The Wasted Lands team.

About my journey in cryptocurrency, it was a long story back then. I was into cryptocurrency in early 2020 — when the pandemic came. The COVID pandemic caused an unprecedented life-changing to every field, specifically blockchain and game NFT. Well, that leads me to get started with the project.

Mr. Luan Ngo: Sure! Again, I’m Luan. I’m in charge of the game production.

I used to work at Amanotes, VNG, and Zitga before I started my own journey. So far, projects that I participated in have more than 1 billion downloads on Android and iOS.

Regarding the core team profile, you can access whitepaper slide 17 and our projects on the next slides.

Let me make a brief summary of it below.

On the game production aspect, before starting everything together, our team worked separately at Gameloft, Gear Inc, IEC, Hiker, VTC, Amanotes and Zitga. We’ve been involved in many great projects, such as Asphalt 9, Minion Rush, Dungeon Hunter 5, Magic Tiles 3, Tiles Hop, Summoners Era,… as Game Designer Lead, Tech Lead, Art Lead and Marketing Lead.

Our blockchain team consists of 5 core full stacks developers with 4 years of developing defi, smart contracts and blockchain core. The team is led by an experienced Product Manager who has 4 years of building fintech products, 2 years of experience in building disruptive blockchain innovations, an enthusiastic contributor on different blockchain such as: Wax, Incognito, EOS…

For the Growth team, we have 12 members, including 1 growth director, 1 marketing director and 10 members across functions. With strong focus on the community, we have 3 dedicated members to support our community members.

Host: Both of you have fantastic background 🤩🤩🤩. Next question, what is The Wasted Land? What is the meaning behind its name?

Ms. Ying Wu: Nice question! Regarding the game title, back to the beginning, when we were brainstorming about the title, there were some other alternatives such as: After All; Mad World; The World After, etc. However, we decided to choose a noun phase that represents the game environment, a phase that best describes a world where players will take on adventure.

So we had “The Wasted Lands”. The title triggers your imagination of junk yards, deserts that no one lives, handcrafting fortresses that survivors stay together, and cities that is ruined by the pandemic. ==> This is exactly what we want.

The Wasted Lands is a match-3-RPG game with a post-apocalyptic theme. Players’ main mission is to discover the secret of the biological pandemic. In order to do that, you will have to gather your team, fight against others, explore the world and collect pieces of evidence.

For match-3 gameplay, you may think of Candy crush or Bejeweled as an example. We hope this classic gameplay would attract mass users as it is really familiar and easy to play.

In December 2021, you may witness a bunch of new projects, but the market will still lack games that are well-balanced between FUN & EARN. The Wasted Lands will be there to solve the problem.

Unlike most other NFT games, you won’t find the big earning purpose in The Wasted Lands. We focus more on building a game that players enjoy, like we did with traditional games. Also, many critical disadvantages of current NFT games will also be solved, such as high entry-cost, low number of players.

Host: Awesome! The concept is really good. Congratulations on choosing the best name of the project 😊. Please share with us your tokenomics. How can this game apply the play-to-earn scheme?

Mr. Luan Ngo:

Regarding the tokenomics, let’s me share with you a well-designed slide, which you can read more on our whitepaper.

WAL is our governance token, and its allocation looks like this. We define The Wasted Lands as a long-term project, so the tokenomics had been advised by top VCs and was strictly built.

The WAL token release schedule would look like this. Until December 2022, the supply would be controlled around 20–30%, which is super healthy.

Regarding the play-to-earn scheme, let’s take a look at the basic loop of the game. It describes better than a thousand words.

To make sure The Wasted Lands is a world of full adventure, many other features will be added in 2022 and later on, such as:

- Shelters building

- Vehicle’s system and racing

- Pets system

- Guild/Clan system and Guild war

Looking forward to releasing those wonderful features!

Host: We can’t wait to play the game too! Also looking forward to your wonderful features. I’m sure it will be one of the best games! Thank you for introducing your project to the community, Sir and Ma’am.

We will now proceed to the 2nd segment. The Twitter Question.

In segment 2, the GameFi team picked 5 questions from the Twitter announcement to answer in this AMA session.

Host: A while ago the team chose 5 questions from Twitter Announcement. Here is the link:

Here’s the 1st question from @SannyLe29:

“How many types of NFT are there in “Wasted Lands”, could you please give us some details of this product, from its features, utilities within “Wasted Lands”, where they can be purchased and what we must do so that through these we can earn money and rewards?”

Mr. Luan Ngo: Nice question about the NFT system!

Almost all of our game elements are NFTs, from the characters to the game item, equipment and the pets, the lands. First, we introduced the NFT warriors, which are our game characters. Users might need those warriors to start the game.The INO was actually held on Dec 12th. We sold 9,000 NFTs on the INO event on 5 platforms: 1. Gamefi — thanks for supporting us; 2. website The Wasted Lands; 3. Oxbull; 4. Infinite Launch; 5. Metaverse Starter. 6,000 NFT left will be launching on Infinite Launch, on 20th of Dec and other platforms that we can’t tease now. Please stay tuned!

To earn from the game or the NFT, there are a few notes for you guys:

1. If you have NFTs, you can play the game soon in the beta test that will be released in January => able to receive gifts including WAL tokens and game resources. I promise, the prizes will be huge, and will be announced later.

2. If you have NFT, you can start to receive other NFT gifts soon (supplements, special items,…)

3. If you have NFT, you will be able to spawn, give birth to a new Warrior => sell it to someone to get money.

4. With NFT, players are able to give their NFT fusion — means creating stronger Warriors to race to the top or be the rarest.

Host: Here’s the 2nd question from @Crypto_Isaac:

“Can you tell us the mechanism behind Wasted Lands’ Free-to-Play & Free-to-earn gameplay? How does this mechanism create a sustainable economic cycle for the players?”

Mr.Ying Wu: Let me give you a clarification!

In our project, we create a free-to-play mechanism and Renting feature

- Free-to-play mechanism:

The Wasted Lands gives out free non-NFT warriors for all players at the beginning of the game to join freely

These free warriors are default to all players. Thanks to this, free players can enjoy the game and gain tokens while playing in PvE campaign mode or even PvP. All token earning from default warriors will be locked and players can only withdraw these tokens if they have at least 1 NFT warrior.

For users who own NFT warriors, they can freely trade and access all the game functions.

- Renting:

Owners of NFTs can put their unused assets for rent to generate better income. There are “Renting with collateral” and “Renting without collateral”.

So for newbies, you can rent assets from others to enjoy the game.

The value of the token lies in its use case. The more use cases you create, the more value of the token. And as a matter of fact, more people will hold your token.

Although we have built great technology to create and sustain a safe and reliable project for all our investors and players, we won’t use that as a selling point to attract them. They need to see the application, the actual use of the token to put their trust in it. Guys, please bear in mind that the Earning factor in our game would not be high, especially in the long-term. We are aiming at a game that provides real entertainment.

So, FUN would come first, and it would be our only principle in this.

Host: Here’s the 3rd question @MariaIsorena:

“How can we assure that the The Wasted Land is secured? Do you have smart contracts, or have you done an audit by a third party?”

Mr. Luan Ngo: Hmm, not sure what you mean with the Rainmaker Gaming, but we do care about the security of the project and are working on it.

On the blockchain security side, we have the contract audited by Solidproof and we are going to have 1–2 more audits. Right now, they are working with another auditing firm.

On the game security side, with our wide range of experience in gaming, we have solutions to tracking, managing and preventing hacking, cheating from the game.

We have a dedicated tech team on game client, game server and blockchain to make sure The Wasted Lands is a safe place to invest and enjoy playing. We also have an experienced Game Operation team with Game Masters from Garena and VN.

We will also recruit local game masters and communication managers to help us operate the game. If you guys find it interesting, please DM Ying for further details.

Host: Here is the 4th question from @blackrose11221:

“I Found That “TheWastedLands Game” Has Two Modes That Is Free To Play and Premium. Can you please tell us about the Premium future you have? How can we upgrade to the premium Package, and what advantage does one have if you’re upgraded to premium level?”

Mr. Luan Ngo: This is a common misunderstanding about The Wasted Lands.

Actually, we don’t define our games as a Premium type. I promise it will be super friendly to all gamefi’s users. As you can see above, the game loop and features are so clear and easy to catch up. Buy NFTs, log in and enjoy the game. You can even play solo in adventure mode or compete and challenge other players in Arena and Tournaments. In the future, you can also join and build your own Guild, or even play other game modes such as building and decorating your shelters, crafting your vehicles and participating in races.

And of course, you can access all that just by having an NFT warrior, so there’s no such thing as a Premium version.

Regarding the FREE TO PLAY model, it’s our solution to have more users playing the game, and it is one of the steps in converting non-crypto users. I believe Ying had stated the mechanism quite clearly above.

You can always learn more about our game details in our whitepaper or in the game wiki that we built. We are actually transforming the wiki from text to videos and will have it translated into multiple languages in order for users from all around the world to catch up.

Host: Here is the last question from @tanmoy284910957:

“$WAL and $WAS, what is the usefulness of these tokens, how do they work within the game, is it necessary to have $WAL and $WAS to start the game or can we do it with other cryptocurrencies or stable coins?”

Mr.Ying Wu: We have 2 tokens in our game:

$WAL is the main governance token of The Wasted Lands.

- Use to Buy/rent NFT assets.

- Used to fuse & give birth to the next generation of NFTs warriors.

- Staking.

- Pay services fee on marketplace

- Governance

- Buy exclusive merchandise & auction for NFT game assets.

$WAS is the main utility token and can be earned by playing the game through PvE mode.

Use cases of $WAS:

- PvE and PvP rewards

- Burn to Upgrade higher level NFTs items (equipment, lands, pets…) from in-game resources.

- Burn to level-up Tier & Membership

- Burn to speed up research & production in-game.

A newbie to the game, we offer the free-to-play mechanism, giving our users a closer look at the game before making an investment. A new player can enjoy the game with NFT warriors. There is a really exciting way of creating new NFT warriors. This is where you can actually create a warrior with a lion head, steel-armor body with giant eagle wings, and cyborg’s arms. You can have access to this via breeding/mating and fusion.

More importantly, we will be launching the IDO sale on 20th Dec on Infinite Launch and other big platforms! Definitely inform you guys later!

Host: Thank you for giving on point answers to the questions from Twitter.

We are now down to our last segment, the Live Telegram Question

In segment 3, The Wasted Lands team selected 5 questions from the Live Telegram in this AMA session.

Question 1: Truly, you’ve done AMA in many telegram groups, so what next, what other way will you make your project more popular?

Mr.Ying Wu: We have done many AMAs in groups. So far, we have received massive support from VCs, capitals and Influencers all around the world. Our community has been growing every single day — we have 70k followers on Telegram and more than 30k members on Discord although the project has not launched yet.

For the next few months, we are targeting Tier 3 countries, especially those that are familiar with NFT games to get a good start with our user base. Local community managers will be needed. Let us know if you’re interested in this.

In the middle of 2022, we will expand the market to Tier 2 and Tier 1 countries. So choosing ambassadors of each market is our plan. Please DM me if you’re interested.

Question 2: Is your project only for English speaking countries or is there a community for other language users?

Mr. Luan Ngo: We are not targeting only English speaking countries. In fact, in the short term, we are focusing more on Tier 3 countries such as Southeast Asia and Latin America. Then we will expand to other countries as the game grows.

Local communities are crucial for games like The Wasted Lands. We have already had different group for non-English speakers on Telegram and Discord. You can join and start making friends there.

If you’re seeking to be our community manager in your local, please don’t hesitate to ping Ying right after this. 😄

Question 3: According to the project’s roadmap- what are your most important next priorities?

Mr.Ying Wu: You guys will witness many upcoming events of our project. To be more specific, 30th Dec: Alpha game test released v0.5 on IOS and Android/PC.

On 1st of January: Warrior NFT Staking released — earn NFTs resource in-game.

- Feb: Fusion & Breeding feature; release PvE, world map

- March: release the complete core-loop of the game with PvE and PvP

- Q2: Lands & Shelters system; Renting Warriors feature

- Q3: Updating more contents to PvE, adding special tournaments in PvP

- Q4: introducing Vehicles system and new gameplay to it; first step to expand our universe.

Please refer to our timeline on the website:

Question 4: Can you list the features that your project has and other similar projects don’t and Can you convince me to invest in your project as compared to others which are similar to yours?

Mr. Luan Ngo: This question is lit! Thank you for sending it! I believe Ying told you guys above about the USPs, so I will go into details. Some of the key innovation:

1. Making unique NFTs by swapping body parts. If you’re our NFT’s owners, you may find that they were made of a library of various body parts of different species, from human to hybrids to cyborgs.

2. Fusion feature, which allows you to merge 2 NFTs into 1, making it a stronger, yet better warrior. I have played many other gamefi, but I’ve never seen such innovation like this.

3. Leverage a free-to-play mechanism with strict rules to make sure the economy and user scale are under control. We notice that a sustainable game needs to have everything well-planned, so we have been doing it to the details.

Question 5: Where can I buy your tokens now, what are your current contracts and how can I buy them and what are the benefits?

Ms.Ying Wu: Almost all of our game elements are NFTs, from the characters to the game item, equipment and the pets, the lands. First, we introduced the NFT warriors, which are our game characters. Users might need those warriors to start the game. The INO was actually held on Dec 12th. We sold 9,000 NFTs at the INO event on 5 platforms: 1. Gamefi — thanks for supporting us; 2. website The Wasted Lands; 3. Oxbull; 4. Infinite Launch; 5. Metaverse Starter.6,000 NFT left will be launching on Infinite Launch, on the 20th of Dec and other platforms that we can’t tease now. Don’t miss this chance girl!

Why should you take the NFT? Here’s your benefits for being an early bird!

1. If you have NFTs, you can play the game soon in the beta test that will be released in January => able to receive gifts including WAL tokens and game resources. I promise, the prizes will be huge, and will be announced later.

2. If you have NFT, you can start to receive other NFT gifts soon (supplements, special items,…)

3. If you have NFT, you will be able to spawn, give birth to a new Warrior => sell it to someone to get money.

4. With NFT, players are able to give their NFT fusion — means creating stronger Warriors to race to the top or be the rarest.

Mr. Luan: So many questions I’d love to answer. But time’s up!

Ms.Ying Wu: Great AMA with you guys!

Host: Thank you for picking 5 question 😊

Thank you so much as well to everyone who participated

Thank you to our guests for their time and participation!

Have a great day everyone 😊.

The Wasted Lands’ Official Channel:




About is an all-encompassing hub for game finance. Its ecosystem features Aggregator, Launchpad, Marketplace, Yield Guilds, Metaverse, and Feature G. was created to work out problems that most game studios have encountered and discovered effective ways in developing a platform that builds relationships with game players, token holders, and traders all in one place.

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