How to Claim Tokens on TON Blockchain via Tonsend
How to Claim Tokens on TON Blockchain via Tonsend
To make your investment experience on TON seamless, is collaborating with Tonsend to handle token claims and refunds. Follow this step-by-step guide for a smooth process! Step 1: Access the Claiming Screen * Open the IDO pool and click the "Claim" button or "External Website" hyperlink. * You’ll be redirected to Tonsend's Claiming Airdrop screen, as shown below: Step 2: Connect Your Wallet * If your wallet isn’t connected, link it to proceed. * Once connected, your scre
How to Choose the Best Launchpad for Your IDO Investment?
How to Choose the Best Launchpad for Your IDO Investment?
Investing in early-stage crypto and blockchain projects through IDOs can be daunting unless you can choose the right IDO launchpad.