What Do We Do on GameFi.org Digital Collectibles?

Nov 8, 2022•5 min read

GameFi.org Digital Collectibles (GDC), developed by GameFi.org, is the advanced virtual plaza of Web3 digital assets.
Explore: Digital Collectibles: The Marketplace of GameFi.org
1️⃣ Access GameFi.org Digital Collectibles: https://gamefi.org/nft
2️⃣ First thing first, connect your wallet to the website.
3️⃣ Click [Marketplace] or [Explore All] to start searching for your favorite digital assets
Click [Collections] to search for NFT collections;
Click [Items] to search for NFTs;
Click [Activities] to see all trading activities on GDC.
Or else, on the homepage, you can see 03 sections to quickly begin your research:
Recommended Collection: New, highlighted, or recommended collections by the community;
Top Collections (24 Hours/7 Days/30 Days/All Time): Highest trading volume collections in a certain time period;
Discover NFT: Newest, Price high - low, Price low - high, and more.
You can also access the INOs on GameFi.org by clicking [Gaming INO].

My Profile is where you manage all your activities on GDC.
1️⃣ On the top right corner, click on your wallet address after connecting.
2️⃣ Click [My Profile] to begin managing your digital collections.

Click [Collected] to see the NFTs you own;
Click [Activities] to track all your activities on GDC;
Click [Open Orders] to see the NFTs you are listing, auctioning, or making an offer for.
Click [Favorited] to see the NFTs you previously clicked [Add to Favorite].

You can only list the NFTs that you own.
Access My Profile, click [Collected] to see the NFTs you own.
As an NFT owner in GDC, you have 02 options: List NFT with a fixed price or start an auction.
📍Fixed Price
1️⃣ Click on the NFT you want to list.
2️⃣ Click [Fixed Price]
The pop-up will show the to-do-list for you to list your NFT for sale at a fixed price:
- Total Price
- Expiration Date of the sale

3️⃣ Fill in the necessary information.
4️⃣ Click [Submit], then confirm the transaction in your wallet.
Note: Sellers can delist the NFT before any buyer successfully purchases. Click [Delist].
1️⃣ Click on the NFT you want to list for auction.
2️⃣ Click [Auction]
The pop-up will show the to-do-list for you to start an auction:
- Starting Price
- Expiration Date of the auction
- Description

3️⃣ Fill in the necessary information,
4️⃣ Click [Submit], then confirm the transaction in your wallet.
5️⃣ Auctioneer will see a list of bids when accessing the NFT details after the auction ends. You have 02 options:
- Click [Release Asset] to automatically sell NFT to the highest bidder.
- Click [Sell] on the right side of the bid that you want to approve and sell NFT to instead.
- Click [Cancel Auction]. Auctioneer can cancel the auction before and after the auction ends.
You can only purchase all NFTs that are listed by the sellers.
You have 03 options for purchasing NFTs: Buy now, make an offer, or place a bid in an auction.
📍Buy Now
1️⃣ Click on the NFT you want to purchase on GDC.
2️⃣ Click [Buy Now]. The pop-up will show your wallet balance and the fixed price you have to pay for the NFT.
3️⃣ Click [Buy Now], then confirm the transaction in your wallet.

4️⃣ Access My Profile, click [Collected] to see the NFT you purchased.
📍Make Offer
1️⃣ Click on the NFT you want to purchase on GDC.
2️⃣ Click [Make Offer]. The pop-up will show your wallet balance and a textbox.
3️⃣ Enter the price you want to offer to the NFT owners.

4️⃣ Click [Make Offer], then confirm the transaction in your wallet.
5️⃣ Wait for the response from the seller.
6️⃣ You will be notified when the transaction is done. Access My Profile, click [Collected] to see the NFT you purchased.
Note: You can cancel the offer before the seller accepts the offer. Click [Cancel] on the right side of the offer you want to cancel.
📍Place A Bid
You can only place the bid on the NFT that is on auction
1️⃣ Click on the NFT you want to place a bid on GDC.
2️⃣ Click [Place A Bid].
3️⃣ Enter the price you want to bid on the NFT.
4️⃣ Click [Bid], then confirm the transaction in your wallet.

5️⃣ Wait for the response from the auctioneer.
6️⃣ You will be notified when the bid is approved. Access My Profile, click [Collected] to see the NFT you got.
Note: You can cancel the bid before the auctioneer accept the bid. Click [Cancel] on the right side of the bid you want to cancel.
You can only transfer the NFTs that you own to another wallet address.
Access My Profile, click [Collected] to see the NFTs you own.
1️⃣ Click on the NFT you want to transfer.
2️⃣ Enter the receiver’s wallet address.

3️⃣ Click [Transfer], then confirm the transaction in your wallet.
4️⃣ Click [View on Explorer] to see the on-chain transaction.
If you have any questions about GameFi.org Digital Collectibles' concept & activities, contact the GameFi.org team via: http://t.me/GameFi_Official
About GameFi.org
GameFi.org is a one-stop destination for web3 gaming. We aim to build digital communities and manage virtual economies for mainstream adoption. GameFi.org offers a suite of solutions covering the entire games and gamified projects lifecycle, following a vision of one digital platform, one virtual identity requiring zero blockchain knowledge. Visit https://gamefi.org/ for more information.
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