PATH OF WISDOM: $15,000 Hunt For Knowledge Treasures On Game Hub! 🧭

Feb 19, 2023•2 min read

PATH OF WISDOM (POW) is the knowledge & treasure-hunting adventure hosted by, welcoming all gamers and Web3 enthusiasts.
Participants solve quizzes about facts of trending Web3 games and earn coins for every correct answer in POW.
Along this journey, Game Hub takes the role of the ultimate source of all key information.
Why do we host POW though? It’s an event in our celebration campaign, and you will get to know the details soon.
“Join the Hunt, Win the Treasure”
POW welcomes all participants with an interest in the Web3 industry, from confused newbies to veterans with 10 years of experience. We would love to call participants of this event the big brainers, as you will probably need 200% brain power to get through all the questions. team is purely excited to see where each of you guys ranks on the scale of blockchain gaming knowledge, haha!
- Event name: Path of Wisdom (POW)
- Total Reward: $15,000 BUSD
- Points earn in event: Coin
- Event Duration: February 20 - March 6, 2023
- Event Link:
1️⃣ Dive into Web3 Gaming World
POW keeps Web3 enthusiasts stay up-to-date on the latest trending Web3 games while enjoying the thrill of treasure hunting.
On the way to overcoming challenges, players get to browse through innumerable profiles of Web3 games to discover cutting-edge features and gameplay.
2️⃣ Hunt Knowledge with Game Hub
POW challenges you with quizzes that cover a wide range of topics related to and different games on the market, updating daily.
Participants will encounter different levels of difficulty. If you already excel in Web3 knowledge, good for you. But if you kinda have no idea, the keys to the answer are all spawned on Game Hub. Go find it.
The chances are fair for everyone to hunt for knowledge & get rewarded!
3️⃣ Fight for Treasure
Players can take advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to earn from a total prize pool of 15,000 BUSD, after completing the quizzes presented.
Team players will also get rewards for their performances, just like the way it has always been with Catventure & Year-End Party.
You will understand how it works if you are a close friend of, but if you are new, don’t worry, guidelines are on their way!
Players are welcome as individuals, teams, and guilds, all compete for the rewards.
Selected games & metaverse will appear in POW: Quality gameplay, significant DAUs, and a supportive gaming community.
POW is the very 1st to take place in a series of events for this celebration campaign of ours. More to come!
Are you ready to take on the ultimate knowledge hunt with Path of Wisdom?
More information? Explore:
PATH OF WISDOM: Hunt For Knowledge Treasures On Game Hub! 🧭
PATH OF WISDOM: A Complete Guideline for Players 🧭
PATH OF WISDOM: $15,000 Reward Distribution 🧭
About is a one-stop destination for web3 gaming. We aim to build digital communities and manage virtual economies for mainstream adoption. offers a suite of solutions covering the entire games and gamified projects' lifecycle, following a vision of one digital platform, and one virtual identity requiring zero blockchain knowledge. Visit for more information.
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